Showing posts with label устройства. Show all posts
Showing posts with label устройства. Show all posts


Гидрогеологический дайджест

An Alternative to Low Flow Groundwater Sampling: HydraSleeves. Оказывается, даже в такой консервативной области, как отбор проб воды из скважин, могут быть новые разработки. Как вспомню, как мы желонкой 50-метровую скважину «прокачивали» — в дрожь бросает.
Benefits of the HydraSleeve:
  • You can sample for all compounds (not just VOCs)
  • You can sample a well in less than 15 minutes
  • You can cut costs by 50% to 80%
  • You can reduce purge water to a big fat goose egg
Additional benefits of the HydraSleeve can be found here:
Groundwater Sampling in a Snap. Еще одна ссылочка на вышеобозначенную тему.
Back in March, I wrote a post on the Joys of Low Flow Groundwater Sampling (or not). Instead, I reviewed an alternative to this procedure — the Hydrasleeve. At the same time, I came across another option for those of you out there that get as much enjoyment from low flow sampling as you do paper cuts, thistles, and flaming dog poo: The Snap Sampler.
Modeling Salt Water Intrusion: the Freshwater/Salt Water Interface. Меня тут недавно спрашивали об особенностях моделирования потока соленых и пресных вод. так вот, MODFLOW в чистом виде для этого не годится. Нужны другие модели. Типа той, о которой идет речь в этой заметке.
Due to the difference in density, there is a fairly sharp interface between freshwater and sea water in the subsurface. Thus, as freshwater flows out to the sea, it floats on top of a sea water wedge. The region of mixing at this interface is quite thin, leading to fairly sharp devide between the two fluids. In general, the brackish water that develops in this mixing zone flows outward to sea, rather than contaminating the freshwater. Under steady-state conditions, this situation is fairly stable, but pumping freshwater from the aquifer can change the pressure regime of the subsurface. This may lead to seawater being drawn into the freshwater aquifer and permanently degrading the aquifer’s water quality.
World average annual evapotranspiration web map now available! В то время, пока наши ФГУПы и ТИСИЗЫ секретят и ДСПсят все что только можно и нельзя, мериканцы выложили во всеобщий доступ интерактивную карту величин среднегодовой эвапотранспирации. Посмотрел цифры для Москвы и области — вроде правдоподобные.
Most of us understand the hydrologic cycle in terms of the visible paths that water can take: rainstorms, rivers, waterfalls, swamps, etc.  However, an even larger volume of water flows through the air all around us in two invisible paths: evaporation and transpiration. They claim 61% of all terrestrial precipitation, and together are referred to as evapotranpsiration. In order to better understand this important process, Esri’s Mapping Center has produced a web map showing the world’s average annual evapotranspiration.
Carlos Molano’s YouTube Channel on Groundwater Modeling Spreadsheets. Я давно слежу за творчеством Карлоса Молано. Когда-то я наивно считал себя чуть ли не гуру расчетов в Excel-е. Как же я ошибался: по сравнению с Карлосом я вообще ничегео не умею.
Last year, I wrote about the groundwater modeling spreadsheets developed by hydrologist Carlos Molano.  Molano has published a series of these spreadsheets on his personal website.

I recently learned that Molano also has a youtube channel, where he discusses using spreadsheets to solve groundwater modeling problems.