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Hydrogeology, groundwater modelling and related geoscience online resources. Подборка ссылок на интересные гидрогеологические ресурсы. В основном там руководства по моделированию с помощью различных инструментов. На языке вероятного противника, разумеется.

Guidelines for Evaluating Ground-Water Flow Models. Руководство по оценке качества геофильтрационных моделей.
Ground-water flow modeling is an important tool frequently used in studies of ground-water systems. Reviewers and users of these studies have a need to evaluate the accuracy or reasonableness of the ground-water flow model. This report provides some guidelines and discussion on how to evaluate complex ground-water flow models used in the investigation of ground-water systems. A consistent thread throughout these guidelines is that the objectives of the study must be specified to allow the adequacy of the model to be evaluated.

BGS Groundhog Desktop. Программа для рисования геологических разрезов. Бесплатная.
We believe that you should have access to geological software which is powerful, without it being complicated or expensive. Our software is available in both no-cost "Community" and low-cost "Professional" editions. With Groundhog, our mission is to provide you with a simple, effective way of visualising and interpreting site data as well as developing conceptual and 3D digital geological models.

iMOD. Еще один бесплатный препроцессор для MODFLOW.
iMOD is an easy to use Graphical User Interface + an accelerated Deltares-version of MODFLOW with fast, flexible and consistent sub-domain modeling techniques. iMOD facilitates very large, high resolution MODFLOW groundwater modeling and also geo-editing of the subsurface.

Simple-Yet-Effective SRTM DEM Improvement Scheme for Dense Urban Cities Using ANN and Remote Sensing Data: Application to Flood Modeling. Если вам доводилось вычищать крыши домов или верхушки деревьев из модели рельефа, скачанной с сайта NASA, то вот тут этот процесс вроде как попытались автоматизировать.
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are crucial in flood modeling as DEM data reflects the actual topographic characteristics where water can flow in the model. However, a high-quality DEM is very difficult to acquire as it is very time consuming, costly, and, often restricted.

Global groundwater modeling platform. А вот самую «вкусную» ссылку я приберег напоследок. Вдумайтесь только в масштаб: бесплатная, браузерная, всемирная платформа для создания геофильтрационных моделей. Очевидно, что по гибкости и удобству такая платформа не способна тягаться с десктопными решениями, но тем не менее.
The MAGNET global modeling platform is built directly on Google or Microsoft Bing Map web applications. Either may be used to develop MAGNET models.

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